
Monday, November 2, 2009

Eggless Banana Muffins

Don’t want to make a full fledged cake, yet want to bake something?
Don’t want to spend a lot of time, yet come up with some yummy mini-cakes?
Don’t want to take risk with baking and want a sure-success recipe?
Don’t want to waste the left over ripe bananas, and make something ‘fruitful’ out of it?
Then here’s a simple, easy, no-risk recipe for banana muffins..... It just cannot go bad, so try it out without any hesitation..... Jump start to baking with this irresistible muffins...

Banana Muffins

Preparation time : 15 min
Baking time : 20-25 min
Makes : 12 muffins

Ripe Bananas – 4, medium sized
All Purpose Flour – 1 ½ Cups
Sugar – ¾ Cup
Melted Unsalted Butter – 1/3 Cup
Baking Powder – 1 teaspoon
Baking Soda – 1 teaspoon
Raisins - Half Cup, or Walnuts, Finely Chopped

• Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F
• Line the Muffin tray with the Muffin Liner Paper Cups. I simply greased and dusted the muffin tray
• Mash the Bananas in a bowl
• Add the Melted Butter and mix well using a spatula
• Add in the sugar and stir well. Keep this bowl aside till needed.
• Take another bowl, preferably Large. Add the Flour. Mix in the Baking Powder and Baking Soda. Sieve the mixture a couple of times for uniform mixing.
• Mix in the wet and dry mixtures together. Do not over mix. Mix only for a minute or two. Do not use any kind of Electric Hand Mixers.
• Keep aside 1 tablespoon of raisins and stir in the remaining raisins in the batter.
• Fill ¾ of the Muffin Cups. Use a Spoon to fill the Cups. Sprinkle the remaining raisins on the top
• Bake it in the Oven for about 20 -25 minutes, until the Muffins are golden brown.
• Cool the Muffins completely before serving.

Tips n Tricks:
• Do not over mix the mixture. Let it remain crumbly.

• Chopped walnuts can be added in place of raisins
• One beaten egg can be added to get smoother muffins, but even eggless tastes almost the same

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