
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Strawberry Milkshake

Strawberries are back! What a treat these little red fruits are! I am a big fan of strawberries and especially love it with ice cream and cream served at Corner house - an ice cream parlor in Bangalore. Well, I know that will be too heavy on my diet but strawberries are not something that I can miss. So, a glassful of milkshake with strawberries is something that I make do with, as it is healthy and not so heavy as ice cream and cream!Little niece Hima, also loves it. Whenever I bring home strawberries, she knows I’m gonna make milkshake with it, and she jumps up in joy!

Strawberry Milkshake

Preparation time : 10 min
Serves : 4

Strawberries - 14-15
Chilled Milk - 3 ½ glasses
Sugar - 4-5 Tsp, depending on taste
Strawberry / Vanilla Ice cream - 2 scoops (optional)

• Wash and chop strawberries into halves or quarters
• Blend it in a mixie or blender with sugar and some milk
• Add milk, blend it well, to make the milk frothy
• Pour it into serving glasses
• Add half a scoop of ice cream to each glass and serve.

• Ice cream can be substituted with fresh cream. It can be omitted if you are too health conscious
• Some strawberry sauce can also be added over

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